Serving anglers in Essex for 65 years


Membership is currently available 
 Club News

 Link to Clubmate FAQ

 If you  have any queries, about the Club Phone the B.D.A.C HELPLINE TEL: 07935 560508 (9am to 6pm only) or email

Clubmate Help

To purchase membership click on the link below, then select the “Account“ option, then enter your email address.

For assistance on the above click on the Clubmate Help link below. If you need additional help contact the Membership Secretary ( ).

Important: You will need to upload a passport style photo of yourself showing only a full face photo of yourself only, not with fish, pets or other people, to validate your membership, alternatively the Clubmate App can take a selfie, once uploaded you will  not be able to change your photo. Club Baiiffs will be using their Clubmate App to validate your membership on the bank and failure to have provided a photo will result in you having to leave the fishery. You will receive a confirmation email from Clubmate and as it may be up to two weeks before you receive your membership card you will need to have a copy of the email with you when fishing.

When adding Juniors/Intermediates/Associate/Another member DO NOT USE THE START A NEW MEMBERSHIP BUTTON.

You need to go into Click to edit your profile and then click on to Add another member/child. Add their name and confirm permission to register them. You can then add their personal details, photo and membership and make payment..

If in doubt go to the Junior Member Help button to watch the video.

The annual Club Handbook will no longer be issued to members; however all of the information will be available via your Clubmate account or on the club website.

Please check the venue information/rules prior to fishing as any frule changes will be updated on the Clubmate site or the Club website. Match Closures etc will be posted on the Match Calendar and Club News pages of the Club website.

You can download the current Clubmate App for your Smartphone from the App Store associated with your phone (Apple Store or Play Store).

The only method of payment for your membership is through the Clubmate App using a Credit or Debit card.

For Membership click here

Add Junior Member Help

Clubmate Help


Membership fees for the 2024/25 season

Ordinary member £124 (including Joining Fee)
Senior Citizen, Disabled member

£108 (including Joining Fee)

Intermediate (15-17 inclusive) £72 (including Joining Fee)
Junior (1 ROD ONLY) £24
Associate n/a
Non-Fishing £15
Barleylands Night Ticket n/a
Laundry Night Ticket n/a
Fishers Green Consortium £15 (in addition to club membership fee)
Bait Boat use:
B/lands &/Or Laundry Lake
£25 (available to all members)


Classes of Membership

ORDINARY  A person between 18 and state retirement age.   
SENIOR CITIZEN A person of State Retirement age.
DISABLED A person who is in receipt of a disability benefit may join at the Senior Citizen rate. Proof of the current  benefit must be sent  in every year .e.g. photocopy  of CURRENT letter from the Benefits Agency, etc. Blue parking badges are not accepted
INTERMEDIATE This class of membership is open to those aged between 15 and their 18th birthday or to the age of 22 years with documented proof of continuous full time education.
JUNIOR  This class of membership is open to those aged between 5 and their 15th birthday. Juniors can only join with an Ordinary or Senior Citizen member and it is a strict Club rule  that juniors must be closely accompanied by the senior member responsible for them when on Club waters. Juniors and adults must therefore fish at the same or closely adjacent swim.  New rule as from 01/05/2024 Juniors under 10 will not be allowed to night fish.
NON-FISHING A person having attained the age of 18 and only allows entry to club waters.
PLEASE NOTE No other person, including children under 5 years old, is allowed on Club waters. BDAC issues Guest tickets on it's three freehold waters (Southminster, Straits Mill & Asheldham) and our rented waters at Thoby Wood, Hicks Farm and Shalford. Telephone the Helpline for details.
LICENCES Every member of 12 years and over must carry an Environment Agency licence if they wish to fish.   The EA licence  allows the use of two  rods, although some club waters only allow one rod. No member may use more than two rods on any club water, but see below re 3 rods on our night fishing permit waters in Winter.
CLUB KEY Most of our waters require a gate key, which is provided to all new members on joining. This will open all gates up to 31st March 2024. From 1st May 2024, all gates will have a combination lock, the numbers of  which will appear on members’ photocards.
CLOSE SEASON Club waters are not accessible during our Close Season, which is 15th March to 15th June inclusive on rivers and the month of April on stillwaters. We do undertake working parties on our stillwaters during March and April. Adult members will be supervised during work in the morning, then be allowed a few hours fishing in the afternoon, at the discretion of that water's Fishery Officer.
New members from January 2024 will be allowed to night fish our waters at Southminster, Asheldham and Bicknacre as part of their basic membership. New members will only be permitted to enter and fish our two large carp waters during these times:
Barleylands: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.   Laundry Lake: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m Night fishing permits for these two venues will become available to purchase when renewal forms are sent out in March 2025.
Cards for the Consortium waters can be purchased on the above on-line application for £15 per member. For details of the waters covered click on “Rivers” on the above heading
B/lands &/Or Laundry Lake Only
An additional permit/fee will be required by any member to use a Bait Boat at Barleylands or Laundry Lake.

Club News




Sunday 28 July 2024 at Thoby Wood

Wednesday 31 July 2024 at Tunnel Barn

Saturday 3 August 2024 at Bicknacre

Saturday 3 August 2024 at Bicknacre

Wednesday 7 August 2024 at Southminster